A Couple New Things in the Nursery and Our New Emily Dickinson Pillow Covers

As I was scurrying around getting ready for our photoshoot last month there were a few projects on my list that my mom and sisters helped with. One of the things I really wanted to make for the little tree in Lola's room were these little stars. My mom had made some for her tree using a tutorial from the gorgeous blog Modern Country and then made some for Lola (or I guess really me)...=) I put some on her tree but then decided it might be cute to hang some from the ceiling to balance the other corner that has the hanging branch. And even though the tree is obviously gone now I kept these ones hanging in her room.

My sisters also helped me out. I STILL hadn't covered the euro inserts that were at the back of the daybed. You couldn't really tell in photos but it was always driving me crazy in real life. It was on my list of things to get done before the shoot but I couldn't decide what to make and then Dana sent me a picture of ones she had made for her new apartment. She told me she had just used a throw from Ikea and cut it up to make several new shams for her large pillows in her bed. They were perfect! I was running out of time so my sister Jamie made them for me! Because the fabric was stretchy they were a little annoying to work with but I LOVE how they turned out.

Also, we are excited to introduce our first new spring pillow cover today!
It is available in our shop both as an individual pillow cover:

I hope you all have a most wonderful week!

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