Wiggle - Day 1,293

We woke up to howling, gale force winds which then turned into rain. Not long after we'd got to the common for our walk! Undeterred, we walked, we got very wet and Wiggle found something nice and stinky to roll in.

Wiggle was smelling particularly vile so needed to be hosed off. Having the smell washed off, which he no doubt considered fabulous, did not make him happy:

Beenz, Sofy and Toby, just as wet but less stinky, offered some moral support:

Toby was looking sad, on Wiggle's behalf: "Poor Wiggle, he smelt fabbie!"
Beenz was just glad to be home and dry:

And after getting soaked/muddy/stinky, all their leads and collars were washed:

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