Welcome baby Easton!

I am so sorry for the lack of update on baby Easton.  I promise, this was not intentional!  Easton's mommy had a pretty rough day on Friday, and asked everyone to please not post any pictures until she could.  She was feeling better today and finally posted his stats and a picture, so I felt it was OK to finally post an update.

Mr. Easton was a big boy.  He weighed 8# 9oz and was 20 1/2" long!  (He was over a pound bigger than they thought he would be.)  He also has a head-full of black hair and the biggest cheeks of any baby I've ever seen!

Proud daddy Matthew carrying Easton to the nursery.

(Photos from Granny Penny)

Isn't he the most precious little man ever?

Mama and baby are doing great!

As Easton was coming into this world, my mother-in-law was being discharged from the hospital.  She's still not 100%, but hopefully will be better than normal soon!

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!

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