We are having higher temperatures than normal for this time of year in Ontario but it's still time to get out the hot chocolate mugs.
Yep, playing with the cupboard again. It's just so much fun to change it up all the time.
Keeping a mug or cup in mind, I can't believe how fast time goes. I was reminded by that today when I found something special in a box.
Many years ago, my dear, sweet grandmother's home was destroyed by fire. It was a little white clap-board house that had 2 kitchens; one for summer and one for winter. There was a front room where she entertained the family with wonderful dinners and a little sitting room with an organ and the old wood stove in the center of the house. That's where I remember spending lots of time coloring at her table and reading books. She taught me how to drink tea properly and make the best toast on the old stove to be smothered in her home-made strawberry jam. I remember her cat, Maggie sitting in her apron while she rocked away her evenings. Her home sat on this piece of property and she owned many more acres behind it. The property where her home sat has been empty since that fateful day. My grandmother was staying at my aunt's home the day of the fire. Her little Maggie cat had already passed away years before. My grandmother never returned to the property and died at age 93.
I have owned the piece of land where her home was for a long time but while the kids were in their teens and not interested in living 'on the moon' as they would call it, we decided to wait and build once they were on their own.
It is almost 2 acres (1.9 to be exact) and it is waiting for a new home.
Kane loves it out there. He runs around like a puppy again.
I have posted this picture before but thought I would show it again. This is my mom and her barn kitten taken at the end of the above driveway (it was always dirt and gravel) when she was in her early 20's. That would make it the early 1940's. You can see the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
My mom (Edna Fox)
We have been purging our home and going through lots of boxes in our basement. We came across this ancient granite cup that was in a box labelled ( Keepsake-cup from farm) This cup was sitting at the well the day of the fire.
It is the only piece of history I have now from my granny's home. As far as I know, everything was lost that day.
This little cup brings back sweet memories of my childhood days playing out at the farm. I can still taste that clear, cold water from the well and picture my cousins and I running around taking full advantage of the freedom from our parents . I would spend much of my summer holidays there.
We'll find a special place for this old granite cup and when we finally get this new home built it will sit on a mantel as a wonderful memory of my Grandmother and her sweet, little country home.
hugs, Deb