The Diana SLR camera bag looks just like a purse. I love it because now I don't need a purse and a camera bag. It has plenty of room for my wallet, cell phone, and keys. Another benefit of it being stylish is that I think given the option someone would steal a camera bag over a purse.
This picture doesn't quite do it justice because I needed to take my camera out to take the picture. I will say that it has room for my camera to sit lens down (lens attached) in the left most space, then in the middle I keep another lens and there is more room for keys or whatever, and the right is perfect for my external flash. Just on the other side of the edge dividers there is a small space for whatever you want. I slide in my charger, computer cord and wireless remote. The dividers are removable and adjustable.
Here you can see how big it is in relationship to me. It feels pretty sturdy and can stand up without leaning and falling when set down. It is not a messenger type bag meaning the straps are not really long. I have used it a few times and have been able to successfully shoot while wearing it although I do fidget with the straps while it is on.
Over all it is a good buy. It is not perfect for a camera bag but for the purse style I think it is the best for the price ($67).