NYTs: The Bird Flu Research Controversy Continues



BLS-4 Lab – Photo Credit CDC PHIL 


# 6106


The weekend edition of the New York Times contains a `dialog’ – well, actually letters to the editor – received over the past few days by some well known academics and researchers on the volatile subject of H5N1 research.


The recent successes in turning the H5N1 virus into a more transmissible virus have raised alarms among many of those in the bio-security field (see The Furor Over H5N1 Research Continues).


At the same time, many scientists are decrying what they see as heavy-handed attempts to halt, or censor what they see as crucial research.


You’ll find a lot of familiar names weighing into the NYTs dialog today, including Tom Inglesby, Philip Alcabes, and Vincent Racaniello.


Sunday Dialogue: Bird Flu Experiments



The World Health Organization has tentatively scheduled a meeting of experts in Geneva in a couple of weeks with hopes of resolving some of the thornier issues involved.


But as we continue to see by the arguments coming from both sides of this debate - there is a sizable chasm separating them – making a workable compromise coming out of this meeting far from assured. 


Stay tuned.