Google Admits It Will Track Everything Its Users Do, No Opt Out
Soros Mouthpiece Calls On Google To Police “Conspiracy Theories”
General Sinclair by Marcelo Montecino
xymphora - The Koch-Paul conspiracy
The Canadian Holocaust: Hidden No Longer
India by tijen
Scottish Independence Is Being Watched
BBC Biased? You Bet!
Rio kiss by Gaetano_Fornelli
At Global Research, on 23 January 2012, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya has written about the importance of Iran for Russia and China.
Report Libya: NTC doesn't control the situation in Libya! [24.01.2012.]
Photo from Heidi246
Saudis rally against Al Saud rule - Voltaire Network, 22 January 2012,
By Miss Mertens
Dr Afia Siddiqui gets pregnant, contracts cancer in US jail
By michaelwrose

From Miss Mertens
Tony Ryals left the following comment on GOOGLE DOWN:
Aangirfan, Google deserves criticism and I sure screamed as best I could when my google blog was temporarily closed down.
However I note that while criticizing them that you almost did a free ad for ... Bill Gates by posting his Bing logo without a word of criticism.
I wish to give you just one example of Google's good side by comparing my post regarding Guatemala's UN Ambassador or permanent Representative to the UN, Gert Rosenthal.
If you google his name my criticism which appeared near the top of Google search at first dropped to the top of the second page for awhile but has since returned near the top of the first.
But if you search his name on .... Bill Gates' Bing,or Yahoo or even Ixquick that some recommend - you would NEVER find it no matter how many pages you look at UNLESS you ad either 'israel' , 'zionist', 'Maya holocaust', his name!
Also I am aware of what you of written about the personalized search - but doesn't this biased search occur only when one is logged in ? Or you saying that Google gives everyone a biased search even when one isn't logged in ? If you 'google' the name Gert Rosenthal do you get a different result than I do when I am logged off or do we get the same results ? I believe we get the same results but please correct me if I am wrong.
And PLEASE do another article and tell us what you think of Google's competitors Microsoft or 'Bing' as well as Yahoo,Ixquick or any others you may know of...
Already people who have run stock frauds and have CIA and Israeli etc. connections have very high Google search ranking...
I am still wondering if any free speech loving programmers might create an alternative search engine that might be able to work through file sharing and use individual volunteer computers to store caches in order to keep or make the big guys honest but I am still a computer software illiterate - By Tony Ryals on GOOGLE DOWN on 23/01/12
Gandalf's Gallery
Anonymous left the following comment on RON PAUL BACKED BY CIA 'DISINFORMATION AGENT'? on 19/01/12
Hello. I have child by a nephew of #### who served ##### on the #### board.
1. They kidnapped my daughter and put her in that Penn State Childfucker ring....
Tried to "frame" me as a terrorist because I dreamt about Iraq war before it happened and other "secrets".
2. The nephew of ##### is ##### he stalks, rapes women and his family thru steal babies.
He is part #### mob...
He told me he met the highjackers. He is crazy makes threats to bomb places and stick people w/ needles full of viruses while bragging about Top Secret file access. Another CIA brainwash operative.
3. #######'s former in-law is ##### who runs ##### Church of Christ with Penn State elders.
His wife is related to #####.
They steal the babies and drug them. So the Pimp ring at Second Mile is probably project Monarch or whatever you want to call it.
4. The ##### are alleged to be smuggling weapons still w/ Iranian and Pakistanians. They also smuggle drugs in NH to CA thru Canada for years...