Can't stomach this

Maple Lodge Farms meat company is in court right now with charges of cruelty causing death to animals during the transportation to the slaughterhouse. It was broadcast on our local news today. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has laid 60 charges against this Canadian company. Thousands of chickens died in two shipments last year. 711 hens in one and 1,181 chickens in the other due to exposure to cold conditions on their way from the farm to the slaughterhouse.  Frail and fragile after de-feathering and a life-time of laying eggs, spent hens are especially susceptible to cold conditions.

The charges raise the question; "How cold is too cold when it comes to transporting poultry?"

Liz White, Director of Animal Alliance in Toronto said the chicken processing system, with its focus on the bottom line, is inherently inhumane.
She said, "For the system to work, it has to ignore the humane aspects. At the end of the day, the brunt is borne by the very birds we bring to our tables."

This is why I don't want to eat meat. I cannot support these companies, like the one above,  who are so flippant about the cruelty they cause to animals to make the almighty dollar. So, they follow regulations so the 'kill' is humanely done (questionable) but it's ok for the livestock to freeze to death in the truck on their way there.

How do we know what other acts of cruelty go on in the meat packing plants. The transportating conditions for pigs and cattle are in question, too.  No, it's not for me. I love all animals including those destined for our dinner plates.
I can't stomach this stuff.

hugs, Deb

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