'Mommy left us on the sidewalk and drove away'.
On 29 January 2012, the Alisha Adams abandoned her kids, aged 3 and 5, on a street in New York.
Brooklyn mom Dalisha Adams abandoned two kids.

On 29 January 2012, the 13-year-old son of a colonel in the US Airforce was shot dead at his home in the UK.
The colonel is based at the USAF air base in RAF Croughton, in the UK.
US officer's son dies after gunshot

On 28 January 2012, a naked 9-year-old boy was found wandering his North Miami Beach neighborhood.
The boy's bones protruded from his skin, and his eyes bulged from their sockets.
The authorities had been alerted to the child's situation as early as 2007, but had failed to protect him.
Judge: Abused boy looks like concentration camp victim

"Over the past 10 years, more than 20,000 American children are believed to have been killed in their own homes by family members.
"That is nearly four times the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"The child maltreatment death rate in the US is triple Canada's and 11 times that of Italy."
Why child abuse is so acute in the US

Children from Texas are nearly twice as likely to die from abuse and neglect as children from Vermont.
Texas is a low tax, low service state.
Vermont is a high-tax, high-service state.
Why child abuse is so acute in the US

In the USA, "why do husbands beat their wives?
"Why do so many of us support capital punishment?
"Why do we find so much entertainment and enjoyment in films and television programs that depict physical violence?
"The answer is that we are a physically violent society and that child abuse represents merely one aspect of that violence...
"Cultures that gave a great deal of infant physical affection - that is, a lot of touching, holding and carrying - were rated very low in adult physical violence.
"Conversely, the cultures that were rated low on adult physical affection of children were rated very high on adult physical violence."
Article: Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents