Wiggle - Day 1,286

We're back after taking a couple of days off from blogging. Wiggle and Sofy have had a very nice couple of days, starting with opening their Christmas gifts.

They were VERY lucky and had lots of gifts!

They had to wait until Christmas evening to open them though, but I don't think they minded. I'd been to my parents for lunch and brought back plenty of roast turkey dinner leftovers for them. After they'd filled themselves with dinner, it was on to the presents, with Wiggle straight in, opening one of the gifts his girlfriend Lucy had sent:

Sofy was very excited to open a present and find chewy sticks inside - so excited, that she took the pack to bed!

"We're very lucky Labs! Thank you for our gifts"

Although they would have been happy to eat and play with all their gifts, they only had one chewy bone each:

Happily chomping:

After all the extra snacks and goodies, Sofy fell asleep, paw over her head, as if to say "no more, I'm stuffed!"

Thank you for all their gifts!

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