Never met a sunset I did not like

Some are spectacular, some are mundane, some are non descript. There is a description that I have always loved : An October Sky. As in that is an October Sky. I know what that means for when I was a night school student, I would commute to school and I would have a view of New York City with the WTC and its twin towers glistening white with an indigo sky behind them, and the white late fall clouds would catch the rays of the setting sun behind me and they would explode in pinks, oranges, magentas, purples, yellow and the colors were so vivid they hurt to look at them. On December 4, I saw an October sky, it was wonderful. It was the kind that hit the chord deep inside me, the chord that no one knows exist, except for me. I enjoy a sunset so much that I try and time my activities to allow for viewing. Thus it was the other night that I with my dog did share a good one. That people were out on a lake in December paddling along in 65 degree weather made it just a little out of the ordinary.

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