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» It's been a long journey...
It's been a long journey...
Several weeks ago, after enjoying some takeout Chinese food, I found the message above inside a fortune cookie. The aphorism (attributed to Lao Tsu in the 6th century B.C.) was particularly meaningful to me, because on December 22, 2007 I used that phrase as the introduction to my first post on TYWKIWDBI.
So today is our fourth blogiversary. I find it particularly ironic that I started this blog as a way to save time ("Gee, instead of emailing stuff I find to my friends, I can just post it in a blog and they can read it whenever they want; that would save me a lot of time.") Let this serve as a warning to those of you who are incipient bloggers - the process expands to fill all the time allotted to it and more.
Today I'm going to celebrate the occasion by taking time off - probably a week. I have family activities to attend to, a deskful of end-of-the-year paperwork to organize, and some other hobbies that have been neglected. And a DVD of Civilization IV Gold that has been staring at me...
Those who are dismayed at not having new TYWK-type material to peruse this week should take advantage of the right sidebar, where you can pick a category to consume, or better yet go to the archive and select a month before you discovered this blog, and work your way backward from there. Some of the old links will have undergone linkrot, but most are still good, and the material is for the most part equivalent to what I've posted recently.