Is War With Iran Closer than We Think? (A Commentary)

WAR With IRAN? It's Closer Than You Think.... -- Global Guerillas

Israel's hawks are VERY close to manufacturing a full scale war with Iran. On Monday the 28th of November, it used special operations forces (referred to below as the "Hand of God") to blow up a portion of an Iranian Nuclear facility near Isfahan (confirmed by satellite imagery). This follows on the heels of another explosion at Tehran facility that killed an Iranian general.

What's even more worrisome is that Israeli hawks are actively claiming responsibility for this sabotage (from the Times of London):

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My Comment: I doubt (in the short term) that Israel or Iran will want to start a war. Iran has enormous economic and political problems at home, and Israel is more focused on the Arab spring and what it is doing in neighboring countries like Egypt and Syria. In fact .... Israeli officials have gone out of their way to make the point that an attack on Iran is not imminent. But .... U.S. officials are admitting that they are not sure on what are Israel's real true intentions .... or if Israel will even notify them should they decide to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

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