Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 12/19/2011

  • Using a USB camera adapter device for an iPad and a regular USB keyboard, you can make your own keyboard for the iPad. Ok, so one ofnthe arguments against iPads went out the window. The author says you can do this for less than $10. I am doing this over Christmas!

    tags: Education iPad

  • This research shows that cell phone text messages can be used curb problem drinking as compared to a control group that did not receive the text messages. This begs to ask. How can cell phone text messages be used to help with other behaviors? Studying? Test reminders? Behavioral issues? Weight loss? Cell phones are a great friend of education BECAUSE THEY ARE ALWAYS WITH STUDENTS. Kids have a computer in their pocket that we choose to ignore because we are unwilling to teach them the proper way to behave. It is easier to lock up the phones than teach good judgement and the ability to focus. Hold kids accountable but make friends with cell phones, they are here to stay.

    tags: Education health research cellphone

  • What will people say about you as a principal or leader when you are gone? Here is a touching post written by a technology teacher in mourning. I also want to point out that this is one case that spammy comment scumbags make me mad. Add your kind comment of condolence so a good person can be remembered well. I hope the author will take off the spammy comments. (This I one reason I love Disqus, which can be added to just about any blog. I stops the comment spammers cold.)

    tags: Education administrator

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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