Dress the Christmas Tree on your Interactive Whiteboard
Remember the old feltboards we used to use? Now, we have one for your Interactive whiteboard. Talk about the different words as you pull them into the tree. You could decorate the tree and have it on your board during your class party!
There are quite a few activities on this website around Hanukkah including a powerpoint presentation about Holidays around the world. It is a great time to talk about the holidays of many different faiths.
A lesson plan to help children make and understand snow through investigation and creation. This will be fun!
YouTube For Schools: A Safer Way For Students To Learn | Edudemic
If you use Google apps for education you now have access to YouTube for schools. This strips out comments and related videos. While not all videos are ported over, this is a solution for those overly restricted schools.
I love Kanban boards of all kinds. I use Fogbugz to do trouble ticket tracking for my school. They've recently given it a facelift and it is incredibly useful and could be used for everything from maintenance tracking to trouble tickets. This is a plug in for the software called Kanban board that lets me convert the tickets to a kanban board. Love it!
Play vocabulary games and as you get them right, you play and can feed hungry people.
A video game to bring awareness to the crisis in Darfur to help students know what is happening and how they can act. This is something you may want to schedule in to your next semester if it is too upsetting around Christmas. However, it may be great to encourage kids to use Christmas money not just on themselves.
Free iPad app and Contest to win iPad2 that ends Friday
I've already written about the ipad app with math games from TES. (Look for Tes Christmas in the store.) This is a nice post from Pooky Hesmondhalgh from the UK about the app and the contest. All you have to do is download the app, write a review of the app in the iTunes store and then tweet about the review with the hashtag #Tesxmas and you'll be entered to win a free iPad2 on Friday.It is a nice set of three games. My son and I played them on Sunday night so he could get his review in.
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» Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 12/13/2011