All these social media sites

A few of you who doesn't use Facebook have asked us if we can share the content on our Facebook Fan Page for the public so that is now finally done. If you for some reason can't "friend" us then you will at least be able to view most of the discussions and the interaction we have with our friends and fans over there, you'll be able to see the music video suggestions we make, see our photos and more. You can also "subscribe" to our public posts even if you are not registered on Facebook, if you for some reason can't get enough of us already.

I must admit that I've been useless in replying emails from readers lately (sorry), particularly these last couple of months when we've been so busy with other things, but Facebook is the place where we most of the times will be able to reply to your comments and wonderings. It's also where you most probably will find updates from us when the blog hasn't been posted on for a while.

See you on there..

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