Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 19, 2011

Some Task Force Bronco Company commanders raise their hands after U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asks a question during a group meeting in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Dec. 16, 2011. Dempsey asked the commanders how many have been deployed for two or more Christmases. DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen

U.S. Military Wants Troops in Afghanistan Beyond 2014 -- National Journal/AFP

KABUL – U.S. generals and diplomatic officials are preparing a new strategy for Afghanistan they hope will commit U.S. troops and money to the country far beyond 2014.

The strategic review underway is expected to be ready in time for the NATO heads of state summit in Chicago next May, a key focus for U.S. national security leaders hoping to secure financial and political commitments to Afghanistan’s future.

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More News On Afghanistan

NATO says it will continue night raids with greater Afghan participation -- Washington Post/AP
Afghanistan Raids Will Continue At Night, According To NATO -- Huffington Post
NATO defiant on Afghan night raids -- AFP
NATO to Continue Afghan Night Raids -- Voice of America
Special Operations: Too Important To Mess With -- Strategy Page

FACTBOX-Security developments in Afghanistan, Dec 19 -- Alertnet
Afghan official slain as assassination campaign continues in Kandahar -- L.A. Times
Tribal leader killed in southern Afghanistan -- CBS/AP
U.S. military, Taliban use Twitter to wage war -- Washington Post
U.S. Casualties Trending Down in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/National Journal
US relies on Central Asia route -- AP

EXCLUSIVE - Secret U.S., Taliban talks reach turning point -- Reuters
U.S. secret talks with Taliban at critical point, officials say -- National Journal
U.S. Is Trying to Exchange Gitmo Prisoners for Peace with Taliban -- Atlantic Wire

Hamid Karzai Won’t Hold Peace Talks Until Clear Taliban Leader Comes Forward -- the Inquisitr
Taliban must have clear representative for peace talks, Karzai says -- CNN
We need Pakistan's help, Taliban operates from there: Karzai -- Rediff
Pak critical to peace talks in Afghanistan as it’s Taliban’s hub: Karzai -- First Post
Taliban ready to open political office - Afghan negotiator -- Reuters
Afghans negotiating long-term US presence: Karzai -- AFP
Afghans Negotiating Long-Term U.S. Presence, Karzai Says -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Karzai: War is not won yet -- CNN

Afghanistan wants help to kick-start mining boom -- Yahoo 7 News
Afghan rape victim says no choice but marry attacker -- Montreal Gazette/AFP

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