Words with Friends grabbed my attention. Or Alec Baldwin, or is it Alex ??? grabbed my attention by being kicked off an airliner for refusing to turn of the I Pad in the middle of his Words with Friends game. Being naturally curious I checked it out.
I have an I Pad and I had space for another app.
I have an I Pad and I had space for another app.
So there I am in the midst of a game, when I mention to my son that I am playing Words with Friends and he promptly tells me; " No one is playing that anymore" I am surprised as I thought this game was on the rising slope of the bell curve of fads. Why ? I asked as I was actually enjoying it greatly. His response was succinct. "Cheaters". How do you cheat at this game I asked, and he told me you download the cheater app for the other app. Sure enough, there are more cheater apps than you can fathom.
I then googled to see if there was any cheater reaction and of course there it was laid out to me. Everyone is apparently using a cheater program to fill in their board, develop words and mix and match for them. No brainer and no brains needed, no thought, just plug and play.
The articles show which are obvious cheat scenes and words and how to recognize them. So when I saw one in my current game---I knew it was time to retire the game , shut down the I Pad and get off the airplane.
Nowhere in the world of spoken English is " ae" a word. I liked Word with Friends for a few days, I do not enjoy Words with Cheaters so much.
I then googled to see if there was any cheater reaction and of course there it was laid out to me. Everyone is apparently using a cheater program to fill in their board, develop words and mix and match for them. No brainer and no brains needed, no thought, just plug and play.
The articles show which are obvious cheat scenes and words and how to recognize them. So when I saw one in my current game---I knew it was time to retire the game , shut down the I Pad and get off the airplane.
Nowhere in the world of spoken English is " ae" a word. I liked Word with Friends for a few days, I do not enjoy Words with Cheaters so much.
You might say that I am being an angry bird, but I say it is technology ruining the enjoyment of technology. Thank you very much.