U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq -- News Updates November 22, 2011

215th Brigade Support Battalion Leaves Iraq

As US Exits Iraq, A Top General's Warning -- Christian Science Monitor

Gen. Lloyd Austin warned the Iraqi government about dangers from Al Qaeda in Iraq, as well as Iran-backed Shiite insurgent groups – the same players that have perennially dogged US forces.

As American forces finalize their departure from Iraq, a top challenge for Iraqi security forces will be curbing the continued presence of Sunni and Shiite militant groups, said the top US general in Iraq.

Gen. Lloyd Austin told journalists today that troops "worked as hard as we could for as long as we could" to train Iraqi military and security forces for a "historic transition" that will see all remaining US units gone by the end of the year.

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More News On The U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq

U.S. commander sees Iraq "turbulence" during withdrawal
-- Reuters
U.S. commander, Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, predicts turbulence in Iraq -- Washington Post
Iraq set for 'turbulence' as US departs: general -- AFP
U.S. General: Al Qaeda May Step Up Iraqi Operations After Troops Leave -- FOX News/AP
Iraq: US hands over detainees save Hezbollah agent -- AP
Iraq: US Hands Over Detainees Save Hezbollah Agent -- Salon
U.S. Cautions Iraq to Curb Iran Forays -- Wall Street Journal
A new chapter in Iraq -- Thomas R. Nides, Politico