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» to sum it all up...
to sum it all up...
DAY EIGHTEEN - TWENTY TWO: I know you might think it is cheating to lump five days together, but really, it's not, I promise! At least not this time. For the past five days I have been so thankful for family being back together! I wish I had gotten a picture of all of us, but this about sums it up:
Beka got home from college very late on Friday night and everyone is very happy to see her. At Costco yesterday, Corbin didn't want me to push "his" cart. "I want Beka to push my cart!!!" he proclaimed. And every time I got to close to the front of the cart, he reminded me rather forcefully that she was pushing his cart :)
I am very thankful to be spending time with her, but mostly I am just thankful to have family all together again! This has been a little preview of what Christmas will be like, and I am now even more excited! We will truly all be together then, including all the Skinner girls, our Grandpa Wes, and our Aunt Connie and Uncle Doug! I simply cannot wait!!