Robocop Flags and Insignia

US flag in Robocop - 1987

In the movie Robocop 1987 the US flag makes and apperance during a hostage scene. In it a former city council member - Ron Miller - holds Mayor Gibson hostage at gun point. Miller has let the lesser half of his emotions get the best of himself. He demands a recount and wants his old job back and a big car that gets poor gas mileage.

OCP Logo

Here the senior president Dick Jones stands at the podium with several screens showing the OCP logo. OCP is an acronym for Omni Consumer Products. OCP is a fictional high technology company instrumental in starting the Robocop cybernetic police unit - using Alexander James Murphy as its first guinea pig. The logo here is sliver on red.

Alexander James Murphy
with OCP Detroit City Badge

Here the person chosen to become the experimental Robocop Police Unit in his human pre-cybernetic form before he is murdered by a gang of thugs who are also secretly under the control of OCP. On the left is his partner Anne Lewis.

The arm badge illustrates the union of the Detroit Police Department with the OCP corporation. Here OCP is written in blue along the crest. The colours of the badge are blue, gold, and silver.

Official Preview of Robocop 1987

The Real Badge of the
Detroit Police Department

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