Ahmad Shaito's report Translated by Batoul Wehbe Today, in light of international conspiracies and the Zionist intransigence and insistence on resuming settlement policy, which plagued the Palestinian land, and in the backdrop of escalating the process of Judaizing Jerusalem, Arab and Islamic world should spare no effort to preserve history. At the time Zionist expansion continues controlling about 80% of historical Palestine as well as undermining the right of return, the internal Palestinian scene suffers from divisions which remain a challenge to achieve unity. The same scene experiences the old-new Arab dispersion, abandonment and cowardice towards the Palestinian cause. However, the resistance insists on ongoing preparedness and defiance, despite these major difficulties.
“Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is the first of the two Qiblas and the third of the two holy Sanctuaries. Thus, every noble Muslim should make every effort to preserve the holy sites of Al-Quds and especially Al-Aqsa, which Zionists desecrated,” Sheikh Othman said. Sheikh Othman expresses his sorrow as “we witness division among our Palestinian brothers,” and hopes that they “achieve unity in order to be the mainstay in the restoration of Palestinian rights because Arabs cannot be relied on. The current situation requires unity and the On the role of the nation’s scholars and whether they are assuming their role in this sacred cause, Sheikh Othman said: “No doubt there are honest as well as laggard and conspiring scholars, hence, the nobles should play an important role especially that the cause is religious, ideological and purely Islamic. It is a conflict over existence not over borders.” The responsibility of scholars increases under the weakness of presidents and kings, Sheikh Othman indicates, “so they should consider the following: - Scholars should develop and re-install the theme of Liberating Palestine in the hearts and minds before raising it in public places Sheikh Othman stressed that “it is required to strengthen the idea of resisting the occupation in the minds of future generations” and wished that the scholars “would make this issue their polestar especially that they have platforms they can speak through.” |
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