Pakistan Escalates Tensions With NATO And The U.S.

Pakistan Hardens Stance On Nato Attack -- The Telegraph

Pakistan stiffened its public stance on a Nato attack on Wednesday, accusing commanders of deliberately targeting two border posts and killing 24 of its soldiers.

But the prime minister also offered a glimmer of hope that Pakistan could still attend a crucial conference on the future of Afghanistan.

The deaths have provoked daily demonstrations in Pakistan where much of the population cannot believe the attack was an accident.

The US military insists a joint patrol with Afghan forces was first upon first and only attacked the posts – which a commander mistakenly identified as Taliban training camps – after checking there were no Pakistani forces nearby.

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More News On The Aftermath Of A NATO Border Strike On A Pakistan Border Outpost

Pakistan Steps Up Anti-US Rhetoric After Attack -- New York Times/AP
Pakistan army says NATO attack was blatant aggression -- Reuters
Pakistani general calls NATO airstrike deliberate -- L.A. Times
Pakistan accuses Nato commanders of deliberately targeting soldiers -- The Telegraph
Pakistan calls NATO raid 'act of aggression' -- Al Jazeera
Pakistan to evaluate all options after NATO attack: PM -- Associated Press Of Pakistan
Pakistan releases first images of border posts attacked by NATO -- MSNBC
Pakistan and US offer different versions of border post attack -- Christian Science Monitor
US scrambles to contain Pakistan fallout -- Seattle PI/AP
After NATO attack, truckers face hard times-- Al Jazeera
What really happened at the bombed out Pakistani military post? -- Scott Baldauf, Christian Science Monitor
Still time to prevent a U.S.-Pakistan meltdown? -- Robert Dreyfuss, CBS

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