Jackson County Commission, Ch 48 News Report


http://www.waff.com/story/15964911/jackson-county-employee-faced-felony-charges-prior-to-being-hired The article states, "JACKSON COUNTY, AL (WAFF) -
WAFF 48 News has uncovered what many consider disturbing details about a man hired as license inspector by the Jackson County Commission. 25-year-old Bradley Tyler Smith of Higdon faces felony robbery and theft charges. He was charged prior to being hired. "

Bradley Smith is the Grandson of Commissioner Jack Smith. It has been reported the hiring was a trade off for Commissioner Smith's vote regarding the dissolution of the Jackson County Park Board.

Another Commissioner, Gaylen Stone, has a Grandson employed by the "County Works Department."

Previous stories on this blog concerning this issue, including comments on the Sep13, 2011 article: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2011/08/jackson-county-commission.html 

Jackson County Commission seated with State Senator Shad McGill. Left to right at table: Senator McGill, Commissioner Stone, Commissioner Clemons, Chairperson Bias, County Administrator Erickson, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Allen

Jackson county Commission contact information: http://www.jacksoncountyal.com/commission.html

UPDATE: Nov 11, 2011 - Press Release from Commissioner Jack Allen concerning issue. Mr. Allen has indicated he will run for the Chairman of the Jackson County Commission in the next election, in the Spring of 2012. Currently it appears Ms. Bias and Scottsboro Council President Matthew Hodges will run for the commission chairperson position.

Press Release:
In response to the story on WAFF TV 48 about the Jackson County License Inspector and his alleged charges, WAFF TV 48 stated that all the Jackson County Commissioners knew of this information beforehand and that is an incorrect statement. Below are the details of his hiring.
  • In August, the commission voted to give the chairwoman permission to hire a temporary license inspector replacing the one that had been terminated. Since the position was temporary, she had the power to hire anyone without the commission’s consent because she is the department head over them.
  • After that vote, it was told by Commissioner Clemons that she was hiring Commissioner Smith’s grandson to fill the position as a temporary. Commissioner Smith confirmed the fact later that Commissioner Clemmons, Chairwoman Bias, and he were going to try him in the position.
  • Since the Chairwoman has the sole power as the department head over the position, the commission had no say so in who was hired until the position becomes full-time and at that time the whole commission has a vote on the position and it takes a majority vote of the commission to approve.
  • The background of Commissioner Smith’s grandson was never mentioned to the commission. This information was not known by me until a week ago when I received several calls wanting to know why we had a person checking licenses with charges and he was attending drug court.
  • This type of leadership decision is the reason that I have chosen to run for the chairman position of the Jackson County Commission instead of my district seat.
I will assure you, as the chairman of the commission, these problems will be addressed and the entire commission will vote on hiring both temporary and full-time employees. We need to institute background checks on all potential employees to assure the citizens of Jackson County that issues like these will not occur in the future.
Jack Allen, Jackson County District 2 Commissioner
256-259-6278 (home)

The Jackson County Commission did vote to approve the temporary hire but Mr. Smith abstained from voting as he knew who was going to be hired. Mr. Allen was absent during the issue's vote due to sickness. Ms. Bias made the appointment.

 I inquired of the responsible officials concerning the necessity of the license inspector being bonded. The Commission Chairperson informed me there was no requirement for a bond. The County Attorney stated he was not aware of any requirement for a bond.
This is what the Code of Alabama has to say about bonding of license inspectors. " Section 40-12-11- Bonds of license inspectors. Before entering upon the duties of their office, all license inspectors shall execute to the State of Alabama a bond, to be approved by the Governor, in amounts to be fixed by the Department of Revenue, for the faithful performance of their duties.(Acts 1943, No. 122, p. 123; Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 208, p. 2190.) Code of Alabama 40-12-10 (i) The county commission may appoint deputy license inspectors, and the acts of such deputies shall be recognized as the acts of the license inspector...(k) License inspectors shall have the same power to arrest persons violating the revenue laws of the state as is now vested in the sheriffs of the state and shall receive the same fees for such service."

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