Iran Is Once Again On Top Of The West's List Of Problems

Iran's Armed Forces Chief of Staff Hassan Firouzabadi said Israel would regret any attack on Iran. Radio Free Europe

With Gaddafi Gone, Iran Is Once Again Top Of The West's List Of Problems -- The Telegraph

The drumbeat of war against Iran is set to beat much louder when the UN’s nuclear watchdog publishes the findings of its long-awaited report next week that the country is well advanced in its attempts to build a nuclear bomb.

Because of Libya, international concern over Iran’s controversial nuclear programme has taken second place to the Nato-led effort to overthrow Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.

But now that Nato has officially declared the Libya mission at an end, the far more problematic issue of how to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions is once again making all the headlines on the international security agenda.

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My Comment: Israel has also upped this focus on Iran and its nuclear program, as well as hinting that it may initiate military actions against Iran's nuke facilities. A hook that the Iranians have predictably taken .... hence raising their own profile by fighting this war of nerves with Israel.

As to what is my take .... I doubt that anything is going to happen in the short term .... but .... with US forces now leaving Iraq .... I can easily see a scenario in which Israeli planes will be tempted to use Iraqi airspace to reach Iranian nuclear targets. With no US forces present .... American forces can easily deny involvement as well as avoid blow-back in Iraq ... or so they hope.

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