City of Scottsboro - Green Energy Programs- "Waste to Energy Project"

Today at Scottsboro's Martintown Landfill, Green Energy Project ribbon cutting, "Waste to Energy Project". (click on any image for an expanded view)
PHOTO- U.S. Congressman Mo Brooks, (R) Huntsville, Al., 5th Congressional District, attends ribbon cutting at the Scottsboro Landfill "Waste to Energy Project" today at Scottsboro's Martintown Landfill. Photo description: Congressman Brooks and the Mayor of Scottsboro hold scissors in the ribbon cutting ceremony. Participants (left to right): TVA- Mr. Robbie Jones, Energy Efficiency Engineer; North Alabama Electric Co-Op Manager-Mr. Bruce Purdy; Scottsboro Waste Management Director- Mr. Eddie Blizzard; Scottsboro Mayor- Melton Potter; Congressman Mo Brooks; Department of Energy- Ms. Judy Wilson, Oak Ridge Office; Alabama Department of Economic Development- Ms. Judy Hornsby, Energy Director; CDG Engineering consultants- Mr. Daniel Wells project engineer; ladies on the end holding the ribbon, are Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors for our community. The Daily Sentinel's article The Clarion's September article about the project

The Eagle Power Systems 500 Kilowatt Generator may be seen in the background. The NOx, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide,  emission level for this generator system is less than 50ppm according to the engine manufacturer, Hanatech Co., Ltd of Inchon, S. Korea.

Project Brochure, click on image for an expanded view.

Mayor of Scottsboro receives check from TVA. Photo left to right: North Alabama Electric Co-Op Manager-Mr. Bruce Purdy; Scottsboro Waste Management Director- Mr. Eddie Blizzard;  Alabama Department of Economic Development- Ms. Judy Hornsby, Energy Director; Scottsboro Mayor- Melton Potter; TVA- Mr. Robbie Jones, Energy Efficiency Engineer; CDG Engineering consultants- Mr. Daniel Wells project engineer; Department of Energy- Ms. Judy Wilson, Oak Ridge Office.

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