Can anybody out there figure out what I'm doing tonight? Here is a little hint:
Yup, that's right....We are going to see the midnight premiere of "Breaking Dawn".
Photo from Here
Not only are we going to see "Breaking Dawn", we are going to see ALL FOUR of the "Twilight" movies. "Twilight" starts at 3:45 pm, then "New Moon", followed by "Eclipse", and then the finale at midnight of "Breaking Dawn".
It's hard to believe that just TWO short years ago, I was totally against the whole "Twilight-thing" and made fun of so many of my friends. I said I would never go see some stupid vampire movie at midnight with a whole crowd of people. I guess never say never, huh?
The best thing about tonight is the fact that it has been planned for over a year!
On July 4th last year, Chelsea, Shelby and I decided to go see "Eclipse", the newest movie in the "Twilight" series. All three of us had just discovered the insane world known as "Twilight" a few months before, and we were excited to see the newest installment. We had a great time, and we just couldn't believe that we had to wait an entire year for the next, and possibly the best, movie in the series. That night, a plan was born.
Our local movie theater is great in that they always try to do special things for their customers. One thing they do is offer marathons of movies that have several parts. When the finale of "Harry Potter" was released a few months ago, they did a whole TWO DAY marathon of all the movies. We hoped they would offer a marathon of the "Twilight" movies, too. We decided that night (in July 2010), if they did offer a marathon, we would be there and make a whole "girls night out" out of it!
Every few weeks, Chelsea would ask me about "Breaking Dawn". She may not be able to remember a lot of things, but this she was able to remember. HaHa! As the release date got closer, I paid close attention to the movie theater's Facebook page, waiting to see if they would offer the marathon. Sure enough, they did and I immediately bought 3 tickets!
Chelsea has been so excited, that's just about all she has talked about for the past 6 weeks (other than General Hospital and Scotty McCreery)! Every day I've had to tell her exactly how many days we have left to wait. Well, we don't have to wait any more. Today is the day! The day that was planned over a year ago!
I'll be sure to let all of you know how it was.....after we wake up from our LONG (and fun) night!