Where did 7 weeks go?

I had a few busy days this week with cat-sitting but for the weekend it will be quiet. Only two homes to care for cats. November will be quieter than usual but steady enough and that's because most people won't travel now until Christmas. Christmas will, once again, be NUTS! So this is the time to catch up on projects at home.

Kane and I got soaked yesterday on our walk. It has been off and on raining for 3 days now and yesterday was ridiculous. When it rains, there are no squirrels and birds in the tree outside the cat-room window where the kittens sit and watch.
That's a bummer, right Nigel?
"I'm bummed"

I did get one photo of a cat in our neighbourhood before it started to pour.
 My plan was to photograph trees but 10 minutes into the walk...a downpour. Home...sun. Then it's spittin' rain again. Nigel has the right idea.

Adorable little Bree has found a home.
Nigel...maybe. I will post about the new homes when I have them all adopted. I'm not rushing this as they have to be GREAT homes. I looked on the website for our shelter #'s ..148 cats. I'm sure with that number they will let them stay with me until the right home is found. I hope so.

Isn't Audrey & her mom beautiful. Her eyes are now green like mom's. That's Annie's paw as Audrey is all grey. Beautiful charcoal grey.
Today they are 7 weeks.

Update on my daughter's adventure. They are now in Cusco, Peru and will be hiking up to 
Machu Picchu tomorrow.

hugs, Deb

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