Week 9.5: 'Does your Person have Accessories?"

I was very unprepared for this week. And if you know me, you know that's not like me. So, here's how that occurred- Thursday night Asa and I had just finished watching the Office, when he gets out of bed, gets dressed and announces that he has to go get me a present. It's like 10:30 at night, so I'm quick to argue that I do not need a present, or he can go pick it up tomorrow, and that he should just come back to bed. He insists he has to leave, so I make him tell me why. He gets mad, because it was a surprise and he didn't want to ruin it. But he reluctantly tells me Amanda (my friend who lives in Arizona) is my surprise, and she is coming to visit and he has to go pick her up from the airport. I was quite surprised, but it did make sense that all week Asa had been way on top of the cleaning, and everytime I said "I'll just get it this weekend" He would respond with "No, no, I'll get it now. It's better to get things done now" Which, is not at all like Asa. Anyway, he comes back from the airport and another surprise.. my friend Brandy from Portland. Amanda was mad Asa chose her to give up, and everyone was mad at Justin since he was supposed to call and say his car broke down so Asa would have to go pick him up.

Anyway, I'm a little behind on everything, because I wasn't expecting to have all kinds of stuff to do this week. And since, I'm late writing this week's blog, it's going to consist mostly of pictures, and captions, and a quick run down of things I've learned/done/almost died doing:

Jeopardy isn't fun unless Hayden wins, Peyton whines, and Calib mismanages his points at the end.

Do not give a 5 year old a spoon, a bowl of dirt, and ask him to do anything with it.

Quest: See how many beaches you can go to in a day, without mapquest

Look! We found a conch shell, totally intact, super glossy, (possibly with a price tag on it) in the gulf

Best way to enjoy a Friday Night: 8 person chutes and ladders, with toy story characters including Bo Peep with skirt circumference not conducive to the chutes and ladder squares.

Apples to Apples is way more fun when you play sans kids and can be extremely inappropriate.

Three people can fit in one of those little photo booths, but I don't recommend it.

When buying Alligator Jerky, go with your instincts, and don't listen to Amanda and her Cajun tendencies

Trolly's are the coolest form of transportation. They're Brandy's favorites.

Visiting a beach in a tropical disturbance will result in sand in the most unusual places. But, also your q-tip for the next week.

Be sure to check the 'official rules' before putt putting. Also, It's best to keep the ball on the putting green

You can consider yourself to be part of puzzle putting together team if you find at least one piece of significance. My contribution: Moose Teeth

When asking if your Guess Who Person had accessories, be sure to include the chick with the earring. Stupid Megan.

And the Award for best use to Painters Tape Goes to....

Before Parasailing, be sure to jot down a quick will on the parasailing pamphlet. Just in case.

While parasailing, to curb your nerves be sure to yell at your friend who made you go parasailing.

After parasailing, be sure to thank the friend who paid for parasailing, and made you go parasailing even though you yelled at said friend the whole time you were parasailing.

Playing in the waves is only really fun until you get salt water in your eyes.

Note to self: Continue to invite Brandy to visit, she brings melting pot gift cards and babysits. Note to Brandy: Being repetitive and predictable is perfectly ok when it involves dessert fondue.

Falling two stories isn't as frightening as it would seem. (Ok, well, I didn't really fall two stories, but I was up two stories when I fell two inches).

Fairs in Florida just aren't like fairs up North. Their 'swine, goat, and sheep' tent contained only sheep. And teenagers getting their hair done. Also, only worth the trip on dollar day.

Do not go roller skating if you do not have health insurance. *Note: this was the third waiver in which I had to sign my life away in two days*

Do not come home unless you have Tacos.

Do not ask Asa to text directions to the cupcake spot while at work, or you'll get "Take route 4, get off at 45A... Oh God, these directions....." and have to find your way from there.

Bowling is best done with Bumpers.

Even the self proclaimed air hockey champion cannot beat this girl *points at self*

I am so awesome, I can make homemade chia pets.

Other than that, I didn't really do anything this week. Oh, but I did knock off a couple of movies, another book, and some random things off my list. Thanks to Brandy, and Amanda, and Asa for making this week super awesome.

Next Up: Pet Hamsters on loan *crosses fingers I don't have to make a hermit crab-esque switcharoo* , Spooktacular Events, and Fishermans Pie!

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