Week 11: Life is too short to fold fitted sheets

You know, it's a good thing that I keep track of what goes on throughout the week in a notepad file, or by Tuesday I'd completely forget what has happened in the last week. Pictures help jog my memory too, but my SD card is getting full- and I find instead of deleting pictures, I just take less. I did take all the videos off the card and plan on posting them on our youtube account later this week, so I'll be sure to link that up when they're done. There is some funny, funny stuff.

Tuesday we played Jeopardy, and in a strange turn of events Calib won. It was a three way tie until the last round too. Which was very suspenseful- I mean, as far as Jeopardy with kids goes. Calib bet modestly, and they all got final jeopardy wrong- so he was the winner kind of by default. I made Calib do 'mental math'. My sixth grade math teacher used to make me do that- - (wait, I'm getting old- I can't remember my grade school teachers names- I can still see her plastic bracelets and poofy black hair though)- Anyway, just a bunch of math problems strung together, without any writing down. He was miserable, but still came out victorious. He also did not enjoy his bonus question which was some long out math problem about a combination of different colored socks and shoes that made zero sense, and then asked a football question at the end. I however, found it hilarious. At any rate, he made a deal to split his winning sour gummy worms with Hayden if Hayden chose the gummy bears and split those with him. Peyton meanwhile, threw a fit for not winning. That child, and his poor sportsmanship. I just don't know where he gets it. Then Asa and I decided we would begin also giving out an award for the best sportsmanship while playing. I'll let you know how that goes over next time we play. Jeopardy must really be creating an impression on Hayden, later in the week I heard him playing with his toys humming the theme song over and over again.

Tuesday was also bookfair night at school. Now, this is one of two times where I'm going to need all the teachers in my family to shield their eyes. I know buying books at the bookfair at school is good for the school, and part of the money goes back to the school. But, the very same books are SO much cheaper on amazon. So, we ordered the books from there instead. I know, I'm awful. But seriously, that school is going to run us dry. The amount of random supplies I send in, the overpriced field trips, the supply fees, the plays and songs that require a fee to take part in, the fundraisers, the festivals I buy popcorn and candy and pop and random things for.. times three. Holy guacamole. Ok, end rant. Anyway, the books should be coming soon. Apparently there's a Parts and a Pout Pout Fish sequel. I don't know whose more excited, me or Hayden!

Wednesday was the second to last day of the quarter (report cards coming soon, and I am intrigued to see Peytons since his grades coming home this year seem to be much better than last). I had promised the boys if they had good grades, and didn't miss anymore school I would take them out a day and we would go to Disney. This is the second part where teachers need to shield your eyes. We set up a hangman/wheel of fortune puzzle to let them know the day had arrived and told them if they solved the puzzle, they'd get to do what it says. It didn't take them very long to reveal 'Skipping School to go to Disney'.

Anyway, last year we went in October on a weekday and it was the least crowded I had ever seen it. We rode nearly every ride in a couple hours. We were hoping for more of the same- but we arrived and it was super busy. I don't know if it was the Not So Scary Halloween Party that was scheduled for later that night, or the Extra Magic Hours, but it sure was something. The boys got over it pretty quick, because, well, at least they weren't at school. We decided we'd get a dole whip- because life doesn't get much better than a pineapple ice cream float in pineapple juice. And stop by the Tikki Room since it was opened again. Hayden was unimpressed with the talking robotic parrots. But was convinced the staged thunderstorm was real. I'm not sure where the disconnect was there. After that we went over to Tom Sawyers Island to avoid the crowds and the boys ran around there for hours. They spent 15 minutes on the barrel bridge trying to make me sea sick. It worked, but don't tell them that.

I was trying to convince them to go into the haunted mansion, as we had never been, but the name alone is too frightening. I wonder if I could have gotten away with telling them it was something else, now that I think about it. We opted for the Hall of Presidents instead. Peyton is really into History and Presidents so he really enjoyed it. When we walked in Hayden was very concerned I was trying to trick him. Here's how the conversation went:
Hayden: Mom, are we in the haunted mansion
Me: No, Hayden, we're in the Hall of Presidents. You're going to get to see Abraham Lincoln.
Hayden: (gets very uncomfortable and whispers) But Mom, Abraham Lincoln is dead--- so we ARE in the Haunted Mansion?!?!
Ah, Logic. Such a funny subjective thing. We chalked up the hall of Presidents to our History lesson for the day and then I felt a little better about them missing school.

After that we went over and watched part of the show in front of the Castle, and hurried over to Tomorrowland before the parade started. Lines get a lot shorter during parade times. We went to the laugh floor, where the Monsters from Monsters Inc tell jokes and collect your laughs for power. You can text your joke and they'll use it in the show if it's a good one. Peyton and Hayden both had me send one in. Hayden's 'what do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!' joke got used. They even said 'this joke is from Hayden, whose from the Land O Lakes'. His face lit up like it was Christmas. I told Peyton next time I would just text his. He was awfully disappointed his joke wasn't used, but cheered up when he beat us all in Space Ranger Spin.

Then we went over to the cars. I loathe waiting for the cars at Disney. It's just a car, on a track- yet the wait tends to be hours long. All the time! The parade was just finishing up, so the line was only about 15 minutes. The boys begged me to wait, so we did. When we got up there Peyton seemed to be like half an inch to short and the guy kept saying, 'stand up really tall.... turn your head this way.... maybe scootch this way'. Eventually he just looked around and said to Peyton 'You can probably reach the peddle, go ahead', so for the first time ever Peyton got to drive his own car. Hayden on the other hand still needed me to push the peddle.

Hayden on the cars, is well, dangerous. My mom had gone on the cars with Hayden over my birthday and complained about how he would turn the wheel frantically from one side to another causing the car to jerk suddenly and crash from one side to the next, violently. I thought she was over reacting. I can now report, she was not. Hayden thought the whole thing was hilarious. Crash to one side, crash to the other. I am not trying to fight off my sea sickness from the barrels and a pounding headache from the thrashing about. As were swinging from side to side thumping along, at one point the crash was so intense my reaction was to abruptly take my foot off the peddle, causing the car to come to a screeching halt- this made Hayden's face ram right into the wheel. He began wailing, though I could find no physical harm done to him. I must have looked like an awful parent because I then began laughing so hard I was crying. It kind of served him right. He quickly got ahold of himself, and started swinging the car from side to side again. That ride could not have been over soon enough. Luckily, the teacup line was way too long so we headed home. I couldn't have afforded one more spinning/slamming/bobbing ride with the state my stomach was in.

The weekend was nice. Friday the boys had off school anyway- some sort of teacher in service day. I let them have a 'sleepover' on the couch, with the warning that if one kid misbehaved they'd all go sleep in their rooms- and so they were perfect angels. I really should make that deal more often. Them being quiet = me sleeping in. We did play some games, and make rainbow drinks with Gatorade (fyi- Gatorade is named for the FL Gators) ice cubes.

We also went to Great Explorations in St Pete. It's a small children's museum, and we get in free in the month of October with our aquarium pass. It was a fun afternoon. Hayden made my rat better by giving him ex-rays and band-aids. Peyton discovered he could lift his own weight if given the correct pulley system, and Calib discovered his sense of direction is worse in pitch black darkness as evidence by his face-plant into the wall in the touch tunnel. Asa sent back his pizza because there was ants, flies, and spiders hidden under the cheese, and I listened intently to the weather forecast that predicted sunny skies despite the background of what appeared to be a hurricane. And we both refused to pay the grocery bill of $983 for some milk, turkey, and pineapple.
This weekend also saw our very first food truck rally. It was a quick stop, but I finally got to eat at the Taco Bus. (It's pretty famous- it's going to be featured on the food network Monday) I also discovered the best deviled crab I've ever had. These kind of events with the food trucks are popping up all over, I can't wait to try more of them. The Bucs lost Sunday, which wasn't awesome, and even worse than that like half our players got injured and we lost a home game to play in London. To top it all off, it put Asa in quite the grumpy mood. I couldn't even relish my fantasy football stomping over him because of it. And boy was it a stomping. I won by over 100 points. *Stomp Stomp*
The boys also gave their Caterpillar a hair cut, because the grass had grown over their eyes. I love these caterpillars. I had no idea they'd be so successful. I wonder if I can keep them around long enough to put them in my new garden and have them holding a sign denoting what vegetable is in that row.

Monday wasn't awful this week- but the house needed a pick up on aisle.. well, pretty much everywhere. Sometimes I come home from taking the boys to school on Monday and I think 'was the weekend worth it? Did we have as much fun as the house appears as we did?' Because man, the house looked like we'd just had the party of the year. The damage they can do in a few hours, whooow. Anyway, it was clean up and laundry time- neither of which I enjoy, but both of which occasionally has to be done. I also set up our board for the week with our meals, snacks, and activities for the week and themed them all for Halloween. I was pretty happy with my spider crackers- they were cracker sandwiches with peanut butter in the middle, pretzel sticks for legs, and chocolate chips for eyes. They were a hit. And today we have a new twist on apple smiles- apple vampire smiles! We also made salt dough pumpkins which we'll be painting today.

It's also red ribbon week at school. So, this means three papers sent home to tell me about the random events for the week. (But I'm not still bitter about the unnecessary wastefulness of paper, can't you tell?) Monday was wear green to school, and Tuesday (today) is crazy sock day. The boys don't really have anything other than white socks, so I went to the store to pick some up. There wasn't really crazy socks in the boys department though, and so I picked up a three pack of socks- blue, black, and tan and decided they could decorate them. When I brought them home, here was the responses:

Calib 'I guess I'll just wear one black and one navy blue'
Me 'You won't be able to hardly tell they are different'
Calib 'I'm ok with that.

Peyton: "I don't really care about crazy sock day. I think I'll skip it"
(He was later convinced to wear one tan sock and one black sock, though I did refuse to pair the white socks and told him he could find his own, and he didn't much like that plan)

Hayden: "Can I put googly eyes on them? And Paint them?'

So Hayden then made his own pair of crazy socks.. googly eyes, fuzzy pom poms and a fuzzy pipe cleaner in the shape of an H glued to a blue sock, and his tan sock painted in orange blue and purple with a green H on it. He just kept talking about how crazy his socks were going to be. He was really excited about it. Then this morning he made me spike his hair all up so that his 'crazy hair would match my crazy socks". When they were about to get out of the car Calib told Hayden he would have to walk himself to class today. Oh to be a kindergartner and not worry about being cool.

And, I will leave you with some random awards for the week:

Best Song of the week:

Hayden- who made up the 'I love you more than' song, and sang it to Asa, and Peyton. Then, when he tried to sing it to Calib, Calib said 'I've heard it already', and Hayden blew him off and said 'wait this one is better, we have to hold hands.... I love you more than (insert random items he was sitting by at the moment) Thats the end"

Best countdown to Un-grounding this week:
Peyton. Who set the oven timer to know exactly when his grounding would be up so he could play his new game again.

Best Make Me Feel Old Moment

Me: "Calib, pull your pants up"
Asa: "What are you on MTV Jams? Are you Carson Daily?"
Calib: "Whose Carson Daily?"
Me: "Oh my god, I feel so old"
Asa "No, No Wait... The Lion King came out 17 years ago."
Me "What are you doing?!?!?"

Best Waldo Sighting:

Hayden and his location of Wenda, Waldo's sister.

Best Quote of the week:

Asa "I'm trying to be a good sport... sometimes!"

Next Up: Food and Wine Festival + Sister Hazel + Awesome Playgrounds+ Pumpkins+ Halloween Parties = One weekend stupid Hurricane Rina better not interfere with.

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