UK propagation charts for October 2011

This is what we have been waiting for. A high solar flux, autumnal conditions and DX rolling in. So get on the bands!

We have recently seen the solar flux index hit record highs for this cycle, but the sun has since calmed down a little. But with the SFI still being well over 100 we are seeing 10 metres open up to much of the world.

It is quite possible to work the USA this month on 10m, and at the same time you should be able to work the Far East, South America and even Australia (VK) at times. In fact, much of the world will be open to you when conditions are really hot.

There have also been some good openings to VK/ZL on 20m in the mornings too.

Don't forget to try and work the T32C Dxpedition to Kiribati in the Pacific. They are audible, but you'll need a good station or a good dose of luck and good propagation. Find out when and where to work them.

While this high solar activity is great, coronal mass ejections and solar flares will cause problems so keep an eye on the K index and GOES X-ray flux at

Go to October's UK short path propagation charts.

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