
I have to start this blog by apologising.  I asked those of you who pray to keep Lutaaya's passport in mind, to get it through speedily.  I have been so rushed since receiving it that I haven't had time to blog and actually say that the passport arrived.  It actually took under two weeks to come back....amazingly.  God always works out things to the very last detail.

Lutaaya was over the moon when I told her it had arrived.  I even had a hug and those of you who know her, will know that is very out of the ordinary.  This was the one thing she wanted that to her made her British.

And the reason we wanted her passport back so have a holiday.  My parents birthday present to me for my 30th was a holiday.  Due to Lutaaya's passport not being here they weren't able to book anything for my birthday, so we waited.  Obviously having work committments meant that Dad had to pre-book his time off work.  He booked three weeks off to give us a little room to move but those three weeks happened to fall in October, giving us not too much time to wait on a passport return.

'My God is able'......goes the little song I've heard the children in Uganda sing so many times.  And oh so He is!

Passport returned and holiday booked all in one day.  Cuba we here we come!  Look out Lutaaya, here comes your very first family holiday!

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