No one enjoys watching the rain more than these two little twins.
They are so delightful. I keep picking them up to smell their fur as it smells just like baby-powder. It always baffles me as to why it would??? Not complaining.....just hugging kittens a lot.
They love all the attention they deserve. Happy, happy kittens.
I enjoyed my visit with Bud & Chase today. They have a little trick they show me each day. They sit way up on the staircase of their beautiful log home and I toss up treats and they chase after them. It is something we do now just as I'm leaving. They don't let me forget. They expect it now. When they see me getting ready to leave they head up the stairs and sit very tall. So cute!
It was off to the book-store with Riley this morning. I had a big surprise when I arrived at her house. She says "Nana" now....perfect. And it is followed by a huge smile.
What a treasure this little one is. The apple of my eye.
Hugs, Nana Deb