Like a shotgun needs an outcome
there's a lilac fence
they ain't gonnn get none
One can hope anyway... these ought to at least discourage the moose, plus if snow sticks to it, it disguises them a little. Might put some plywood over the top just for added protection. First real frost overnight and it pulped that last few tomatoes, but oh well, got half a dozen ripening on the kitchen table along with the geraniums.

Tore out the pea plants and saved the posts for next year.
Look at the huge petunias still. I know i will buy another flat of those next year.
And, that contest is still going on about what's different. And the change is very visible in one of these pictures. No, it's not the clean car. It's a real nickel. You never know, it might be worth more than five cents.
BULLETIN: We have a winner. The nickel is claimed. It's the paint on the window trim. The early photos of this garden seemed to all have some chipped fading flaking paint in them. It looked bigger in the pictures than it did in real life but it was enough for me to go buy a can of paint and take care of it. Now if someone gets the record that was set a couple of posts ago, all the contests will be satisfied and we'll have to come up with a new one.