We made it to Idaho!

Welcome to our newest Follower, whose name when translated is "Letter of an Alchemist."  Although he has blogs, none are RV related that I could see, but some are written in Spanish.   Thank you for following along with Me and Katie, we're happy you are along for the ride!

Well, we made it to Idaho!    I set my alarm for 7 am so I could use the public shower since I was almost completely out of water.  I got ready for the day and stashed everything in The Palms for traveling.  The fresh water and dump area is on the way out, so as we were leaving I filled the fresh water tank, since I didn't know where we'd end up today, dumped both grey and black tanks, and at 8:30 we were on our way.

I wasn't sure if we would find a nice park on the far south-eastern part of Washington, or if we would continue into Idaho.  It was a really nice drive, and I didn't see any obvious RV parks, so we kept going on into Idaho.  Very little road repair going on, and very little traffic.  Lots of fields, lots of mountains, lots of clouds - we even had a little rain with some dark clouds.

 Isn't this sky just gorgeous?

 Love those clouds.

 No real reason for this photo, I just thought this building was neat.
It was really tall.

Anyway, if no Washington RV parks came up, I had a plan.  I don't always have a plan, but I had a really good one today.  Not knowing anything about Idaho, I thought I'd better do some research for exact parks.  I had three on my list, but one was out of the way, so I crossed it off.

The first one was Bear Den RV Resort in Grangeville, ID.  It was highly rated and had everything - looked good on-line.  But when I got there, it was really plain.  Flat, pretty empty, not much in the way of trees, it really didn't look like a park I'd want to spend more than one night in, and it was around noon, so I pulled out and kept going. 

 I could see this field fire starting from far away, 
it turned out to be right across the freeway from Bear Den RV Resort.

The next one on my list was Angels Nook in White Bird.  This was a very strange park.  Right off the freeway, it was in a little valley.  There is a small town that was very depressed, and the park was right in the town, on the edge. The woman who came out to meet me was very nice and friendly, but honestly, it was kind of scary.  There were some nice houses that I could see right out of the town, but the town itself was mostly a ghost town, not at all well taken care and lots of empty buildings.  They only had dish TV and I don't have a dish, so there would be no TV, no phone (my Verizon had no cell service there), no Internet.  I decided to keep going.

That was the end of my plan, which didn't work very well, so we kept driving.  We followed a beautiful river to our right, and it was easy driving. I saw some nice parks along the road, but I didn't have cell service,  and I wanted to be able to get Internet.  Then I saw a Ranger Station, so I stopped.  The Ranger suggested I drive another 20 minutes to Riggins, where there is cell service.  "Right in town," she said. I didn't understand that she meant there is cell service ONLY in town.

Finally around 2:30 I came through Riggins - no cell service.  Tonight is the beginning of some of the new seasons on TV and  I wanted to see Three and a Half Men, so I pulled into this park, Riverside RV Park in Riggins, which has cable TV.  It's right on the river, I can hear it flowing right outside my door, and I have a great river view from my dinette window.  It's just beautiful - looks like a good fishing river, too.  I decided to stay here, probably for only one night.

The site cost for a back-in site is $22, and they have no discounts.  There are also pull through sites.  This is a very small park, nesteled right between the freeway above, and the river below.  I can't hear much freeway noise, though, I think the river is masking the road sounds.

The Cable TV works great, my Verizon cell phone doesn't work, but I was able to get Internet,  which surprised me.   Hence, the post tonight.

 The river is on the passenger side.

 Every site is on the river.

 This is our little yard area with picnic table overlooking the water.

 We started walking and Katie was acting weird, 
kept stopping and looking at me.  
See anything wrong?  Poor thing.  :)

 Katie just loves rolling around - but this might be the last time!!! 
Phew! :(

 Katie and I walked to the end of the park, a very short walk, and came back to The Palms where she decided to roll in the grass.  The grounds are really pretty and well watered and cared for, so I thought, why not?  Let her have some fun.  She rolled and wiggled and rolled and wiggled.  When she came over to me I bent down to sniff her and almost passed out.  She STUNK!  WHAT DO THEY PUT ON THESE LAWNS???  I'm sure glad I have that outside shower, because I stripped her vest and collar and leash off and got the shampoo and a towel, and she was sudsed up before she knew what hit her.  She is now a very nice smelling, sleepy girl.

I just looked up at something moving in the corner of my vision, and there were three deer walking down the road right in front of The Palms!  That's the best animal sighting I've had so far.  I grabbed my camera, ready to snap, and a boy in an orange shirt drove down the road behind them.  They got scared and ran up the hill into some trees and bushes.  I kept watching, and one came back down and hung around for a while, but she was too far to get a good shot, and it's getting dark.   That was exciting!

We crossed into a new time zone, but I'm keeping everything the same time because we won't be here long, and none of my clocks, phone, computer, etc, re-set themselves.

From Me and My Dog, Katie, in Idaho, have a great evening, everyone!  : )