
Normally I am a "savor the summer" kind of girl, so it's strange for me to have been looking forward to fall this year.  When August was over, I felt a collective breath being released.  A lightening of my emotional load.  Josh left a month ago yesterday.  August is done. He's gone, and with September here, I can say (if housing is complete on time) that I will see him next month.  That sounds so soon, right? "Oh, my husband? Yeah, I'll see him next month." (Like, no big deal...)

{First Day of Preschool}
 I have participated in "Back to School" every September since I was five years old.  Starting with Mrs. Boyle in kindergarten at Marrion Elementary, all the way through sixth grade where I got my period & my first kiss. (From a boy also named Josh, but not the same one I kiss now.) 

 Then I started Junior High at Wy'East, where I joined Concert Choir & tried being friends with the "alternative" kids, even though everyone who has ever met me in my life knows my blood runs preppy.  

By High School, which started in 10th grade back then, I knew pretty well who I was.  I attended Mountain View, went to youth group, had a good group of girlfriends and soon got my first car- a 1970 red Volvo station wagon.

{Jack told me "I very, very like school."}
 Then it was off to Clark College, here in town, for my general AA degree.  Got engaged, graduated & married all by the time I was 20.

{Logan said, "My favorite part was playing!"}
 Washington State University (the Vancouver campus) was the university of choice for me, and it was there I majored in psychology & minored in human development.  It was also there that I met Lynnette, Kristy, Melissa & Amber- all of whom had no children then.
Fall of 2005 brought my last semester there, and I will say it was bittersweet.  I have always loved being a student, loved buying school supplies, and (nerdily enough) loved studying.  I love the feeling of a completed project and the organization of a good outline.  

{Mommy & her big boys!}
 Within a month of completing my degree, I had been hired on by the Vancouver School District to work as a staff assistant in one of their elementary school behavior disorder classrooms.  There I met a boy who captured my heart.  A student who was more resilient than any adult I know, and who I still find myself thinking about, five years later.  I wonder how he is, if his home life has improved, and if he's getting from education what he needs to be a successful young man.  I pray he is.  And I'm thinking of him this school year.

{Headed to their class in the Sunshine room!}
 Two years into my gig at the Vancouver School District, I found myself pregnant, with twins, and then on maternity leave.  When I went back to work after Logan & Jack were born, it was to a different position, one in the Life Skills classroom with special needs students.  It broke my heart (as those of you who've followed me forever know) to leave my boys, but I really did love my students.  Three years of leaving my boys to go to work each fall, after a summer home with them, made me cry when I flipped the calendar months in my kitchen.  I would hyperventilate a little bit as each week in August snuck past.

{Watching the other students settle in}
This year, it's different.  This year, I am home.  This year, my husband got to have his first day of school, as a teacher.  This year, my sons got to have their first day of school, as students. And this year, I got to have my first day of school, as a parent, as a mother (a stay-at-home-mother!) and as a wife. Not as a student or an employee.  And after 23 years of starting school in September- I feel free!  I am so blessed to be able to spend my moments with my children.  All my moments.  I no longer feel torn the way I used to.  I no longer wake up with a lump in my throat.  I no longer envy the women around me who were able to stay home with their babies.

{The boys got right to work}

I am so grateful to my husband for choosing to teach in Alaska. Yes, it was to follow his dream, but it was also so that I could follow mine.  And his willingness to sacrifice for our family means the world to me.
{When it was time they kissed me with a smile & said good-bye.}
So cheers to everyone who has gone "Back to School" this year.  
And cheers to Josh for making it so I don't have to.

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