September 19, 2011

White Dog and White Dog Army Countdown to the Puppy Up New Mexico Walk to end cancer...It is SIX Days!

White Dog and the Army fanned me with their tails and licked my hand in fear that I was going to faint at the news that the tote bags we need to hold all of the wonderful samples and coupons and gifts that each Walk participant is to receive might not arrive until FRIDAY afternoon! They were supposed to be here last week but the local rep of the company donating the totes quit and never processed our request through their headquarters. The people at National have been very understanding and helpful but it seems they were short of what we needed and had to rush order from THEIR supplier...Friday was the best they could tentatively promise. Two days before the Event is NOT the timing for sitting down for an evening of assembling 200 Thank You Bags...and I wasn't even sure if I could get my hardworking and loyal volunteers gathered. Steve saved the day by calling our local food Co-Op and magically talking them into donating eco-friendly brown kraft grocery bags. Not as elegant, but here now and there is room to add our 2MillionDogs sticker. It will be mean and green and still full of all kinds of great stuff!

Our production team sorted bulk cheeseburger flavored dog cookies into individual packets for use in the Gift Bags AND as prizes for the dog games. As he filled each baggie, Nuka counted to make sure no pup would be gypped and Puff counted the number of packets made. YoYoMa REALLY wanted to help take the cookies out of the bulk packaging and place them in baggies but his reliability in terms of the cookies actually making the trip into the final destination was rather low. So instead he just watched to make sure broken cookies were not used. White Dog oversaw the entire production. Quinn had been appointed my office assistant for the day. He found a bargain for a shade tent (we decided we needed one more for the kid's area)and emailed Steve that it was being held for pickup.

We ask that you be patient with our lack of visiting this week. Know we are thinking of you all and absorbing your encouraging support. Thank you for cheerng us on.