Arrested: David J. Mortenson, age 48, Windsor, WIThey don't list driving without a license; I do not understand how someone with six prior DWI arrests can be allowed to operate a motor vehicle. This makes me really mad.
Mr. Mortenson was arrested for Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence - 7th offense, Fleeing, and Deviating from Designated Lane.
Details: A Madison Police officer laid down road spikes along Interstate 90/94, on the bridge over Highway 51, Friday night, bringing to a close a police pursuit of a suspected drunken driver. He would be arrested for his 7th offense of Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence (OMVWI).
A Madison officer first saw him weaving in and out of designated traffic lanes on Milwaukee Street. The officer, with red lights and siren activated, followed the suspect onto N. Stoughton Rd., to Highway 30, and finally to I 90/94.
The officer noted that the driver nearly swerved into the path of a semi truck near High Crossing Blvd. Back-up officers responded, with one deploying the road spikes. They caused the driver’s front tires to deflate and he pulled over. He said he did not see the squad lights or hear the siren, and only knew he was being sought when his tires blew. An empty bottle of whiskey was on the front seat of his car.
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» Repeat-offending drunk drivers
Repeat-offending drunk drivers
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