It's not what you think

When I go walking in the woods.
I never see a thing.
I never see an animal
on hoof or paw or wing,

There are some big ones out there:
that I know for fact.
So how can something big as deer,
even hide its rack?

I guess I'll just keep walking,
ever on my guard.
Someday I hope I'll see
some kind of critter in my yard.

From "More Wild Critters" by Tim Jones and Tom Walker

So I finally see a critter in my yard and go rushing out with a camera only to find out it's a horse. What a disappointment. Although as far as exotic critters in the yard, I have seen several moose but this was the first horse, so maybe it's time for a different perspective on exotic wildlife. Unfortunately I also noticed all the snow coming down the mountain. I think I will bring in the last tomatoes and the geranium today.

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