One of our greatest pleasures in life, especially such a nomadic one, is the smell of onions cooking. Back before the trip, we always used butter, but being as buying a stick of butter and refrigerating it is barely ever an option for us, we've been opting for olive oil. Tonight, we cooked with butter for the first time in over a year. The smell of sautéing onions was almost magical. Carrots and parsnip were added in and softened with a few spoonfuls of our mushroom broth. Finally, the garlic, lentils and rest of the broth were cooked together until soft but not mushy.
1 cup bulots, shelled (around 2 dozen snails)
1 cup green lentils
2 carrots
1 parsnip
1 cup dry forest mushrooms
2 cloves garlic
2 cloves garlic
1 medium yellow onion
1/2 cup diced parsley (we used curly, can be flat)
1/2 large lemon
- Wash, rinse, shell, clean and halve bulots.
- Reconstitute mushrooms according to package instructions. Remove mushrooms with slotted spoon and retain water. This is your broth.
- Sautee onion in butter.
- Add parsnip and carrot (both peeled and cubed) to the onion along with a splash of mushroom broth. Cook until softened.
- Wash, rinse, shell, clean and halve bulots.
- Reconstitute mushrooms according to package instructions. Remove mushrooms with slotted spoon and retain water. This is your broth.
- Sautee onion in butter.
- Add parsnip and carrot (both peeled and cubed) to the onion along with a splash of mushroom broth. Cook until softened.
- Add about 2 cups of broth and bring to a boil.
- Add garlic and lentils. Lower heat to a simmer and cook until beans are tender. (20 - 40 minutes. Lentils can vary.)
- Add chopped parsley, squeeze in lemon and mix in bulots.
- Let sit for about five minutes, so that fish can heat up and the flavors can mix.
- Salt at the end. Salting lentils while they cook can affect the cooking time.