The 9/11 ‘Overreaction’? Nonsense. -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
The new conventional wisdom on 9/11: We have created a decade of fear. We overreacted to 9/11 — al-Qaeda turned out to be a paper tiger; there never was a second attack — thereby bankrupting the country, destroying our morale and sending us into national decline.
The secretary of defense says that al-Qaeda is on the verge of strategic defeat. True. But why? Al-Qaeda did not spontaneously combust. Yet, in a decade Osama bin Laden went from the emir of radical Islam, jihadi hero after whom babies were named all over the Muslim world — to pathetic old recluse, almost incommunicado, watching shades of himself on a cheap TV in a bare room.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The Next Ten Years of Al-Qaeda -- Zalmay Khalilzad, The National Interest
Ten Years After 9/11 -- Jakob Augstein, Spiegel Online
It is Western Muslims who will beat al-Qaeda -- Ed Husain, The Telegraph
Two Questions at Heart of bin Laden's Jihad -- Lawrence Wright, Bloomberg
Libya: 'civil war not over' -- Richard Spencer, The Telegraph
Libya: So far, so pretty good -- The Economist
A Reality Check for Brazil -- Jaime Daremblum, Real Clear World
The euro: peering over the brink -- The Guardian editorial
The Euro's Problems Are America's Too -- Desmond Lachman, Wall Street Journal