Family has gone home and we're all by ourselves again. Always feels kind of strange when people leave us. They're on their way home to the cold, back to work again in a few days as their vacation is finished and here we are ... continuing some kind of vacation-style-life. It almost feels like we're cheating, even if we know we've been working crazy hard to achieve this beautiful lifestyle. We have loads of things to accomplish in the next few months, lots of projects as always but still we're able to do all that while enjoying the sun, the sea, the tranquility and the sailing. Sometimes it is sad to be far from the other ones that we love of course, but most of the times we feel truly blessed for being able to combine a life not so ordinary with all those things that we truthfully love. In a pace and environment that truly is good for ourselves. And to be able to do it all together, as a team.
P.S: Don't forget to check out next months Yachting World btw, there will be six (!) pages of our photos, stories and some of our general tips regarding cruising and enjoying life in the Caribbean. Issue will be out end of October.