Wiggle - Day 1,154

Obviously Wiggle The Dog blog is all about Wiggle, and if you've ever read back to Day 1, you'll know that I started the blog as a journal for Wiggle and his new life after being rescued by Labrador Rescue South East and Central.

As much as this blog will always be about Wiggle, I don't like to think that Sofy is left out as she is such a big part of our lives too.

Sofy still has her odd shouty moments when she decides she doesn't like another dog, but despite that slight imperfection, she's a total sweetheart.

Sofy's daft, sometimes a little dim, but so loveable. She loves her fuss and cuddles, has her funny little habits like wanting to carry her own lead, taking herself off up to bed at about 9pm each night and forgetting to stop some times when she runs to me. But we just love her!

So really, today's blog post should be called "Sofy, we love you!"

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