July 2011 in Summary

July was another good reading month for me. I managed to read a little bit better than 1 book a day. July was mostly a sit quietly at home and read month for me. However, I did have a friend visit for 4 days and did take a one-day road trip to attend an author signing.

I read 33 books and 10,055 pages. You can check out the list of books I read on my spreadsheet here. I have written reviews for all but one of the books I read last month but some won't be published for a while. I am scheduled about two weeks ahead on both of my blogs.

Some of the highlights:

  • I read 16 young adult books this month.
  • I read thirteen books each in my Mystery & Suspense challenge and my Science Fiction & Futuristic challenge.
  • I read 15 ebooks on my Kindle this month.

I read a number of excellent books this month but I will have to say that Hard Spell by Justin Gustainis was my favorite. My review is here.

Now for the TBR List (You can get the details here at my LibraryThing Account):

  • I began the month with 1111 books marked To Read in my LibraryThing Account.
  • I ended the month with 1142 books marked To Read.

I added 74 new books in July.

  • 15 of the books are for review
  • 12 of the books were free for my Kindle
  • 54 of them are still on my TBR pile
I have just begun my last month of summer vacation. I begin work again on August 29. I have only one 3 day disruption scheduled when I travel back to work for a one day workshop. Hey, I'm a good four hours away during the summer. I have to allow a day on either side of the workshop for travel.

All in all it was a pretty good month.

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