Hello! The reason why this entry is titled "Fruity fruity lite x 2" is coz this is my second advertorial for Fruity Lite!
My first one can be found HERE.

This time I am introducing you guys to Fruity Lite Extra!
So what IS Fruity Lite? It is the no. 1 digestive and oil cleansing drink sold in Watsons!
The healthy, refreshing plum-like all natural digestive drink is specially manufactured through advanced scientific methods from high grade hawthorn fruit.
Let me quote my old blog post on what the drink does:
- It can help digestion, reduce lipid levels in the body, reduce bad breath and improve blood circulation! It also exhibits potent antioxidant properties.
Not only that, the best thing I like about it is that it cleanses your body of excess oil and encourages bowel movements!
Food is very convenient and delicious is Singapore... But...

They are also often chockful of oil!! After a rich (albeit yummy) meal, we often end up feeling bloated, queasy or even constipated.
With Fruity Lite you can do your best to prevent that from happening with all natural goodness. :)

Inside each box of Fruity Lite are sachets. How awesome?

The sachets can easily be fitted into a purse or pocket. I imagine it would be great for office ladies to bring to their lunch. Substitute your unhealthy drink with Fruity Lite - just mix with water! Much better than sodas and soft drinks.
Fruity Lite Extra even comes with added vitamin C and xylitol, a healthy alternative to sugar and does not contribute to high blood sugar levels. :)

I'm sure another great thing about having less oil in your body - it shows up in your skin! Less zits, less oil seeds and a better complexion. All in a day's work. :D
Want to give it a try?

Tear open a sachet...

Mix with either hot or cold water

This is how it looks like.

Mmmmm...! It tastes like a refreshing mild version of iced lemon/plum tea. Really cleanses your palette and is not too sweet.
Give Fruity Lite drinks a try today!
From 25th of July till 26th August, purchase a big pack of Fruity Lite and get a smaller pack FREE!!!
A box of Huiji Fruity Lite is available for $6.95 and Fruity Lite Extra is available for $7.90 at all major supermarkets, pharmacies and leading medical halls.
It is so affordable... Give it a try and let me know whether it works for you!

After all you know what they say... You are what you eat!