Daily Routine - time management app for iPhone
A cool app to help plan routines. Wish it interfaced with google cal but still pretty.
Avery Give Back to Schools - Schools
Avery Give Back to Schools program, an online voting contest that will reward the top 5 vote-getting schools with $10,000 in Avery school supplies, $1,000 in Bonus Box Tops for Education and an additional $1,000 in gift cards for teachers to purchase additional school supplies. The next 25 vote-getting schools would win $500 in Bonus Box Tops for Education. The contest ends September 16.
10 free ebooks from Writers Digest
Several books including organized teacher, happy classroom and a grammar book or two and a study skills book for students that you can download for free in any ebook format.
Adobe Muse- Create unique websites without writing code | Muse (code name)
New Adobe website that let's you create websites. It uses the Adobe Air app.
Very cool feature that let's you use the Diio app from within safari on you iPad.
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» Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 08/18/2011