After visiting the medieval village of Besalú the previous day, in the end I would visit the romanesque monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, one of the most important monasteries in Catalunya

Located in the municipality of El Port de la Selva, in La Costa Brava, the Benedictine monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes rises majestically in the middle of the mountain, overlooking the peninsula of El Cap de Creus.

Built in the tenth century, is the best example of Romanesque art in the province of GironaAlmost since its foundation in the tenth century, the monastery was increasing its power on either side of the Pyrenees.

What astonished me the most of this visit was the fantastic romanesque church and the fantastic views of El Cap de Creus and the Mediterranean sea from the monastery.

If you have more time after visiting this fantastic monastery, there are other interesting nearby places to know like:

Next, some pictures I took the day I visited Sant Pere de Rodes.

Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery in Costa Brava
Two of the most remarkable parts of Sant Pere de Rodes are the defense tower and the romanesque bell tower

Church of Sant Pere de Rodes in Costa Brava
The church of Sant Pere de Rodes, the most important element of this romanesque monastery. It's also a masterpiece in the catalan romanesque style. The nave of the basilica is richly decorated and really large

Church of Sant Pere de Rodes in Costa Brava
Romanesque archs and Corinthian columns inside the church of Sant Pere de Rodes

Church of Sant Pere de Rodes in Costa Brava
  The capitals are designed according to the Corinthian tradition and are considered among the best pieces of sculpture in s.XI

Sant Pere de Rodes in Catalonia Costa Brava
Another view of the romanesque bell tower of Sant Pere de Rodes

Cloister of Sant Pere de Rodes in Costa Brava
Capitals I saw in the cloister of Sant Pere de Rodes

Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery in Costa Brava
 The romanesque bell tower and the defense tower of Sant Pere de Rodes abbey

Bell tower of Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery in Costa Brava
Interesting view inside the romanesque bell tower of Sant Pere de Rodes monastery

Costa Brava from Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery
Fantastic view of el Cap de Creus, the Mediterranean sea and El Port de la Selva on the right. The views from Sant Pere de Rodes are stunning

Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery in Costa Brava
Before leaving, one last look to Sant Pere de Rodes, a romanesque abbey I liked a lot

Next I would like to give you some useful information in case you want to visit this fantastic monastery:

- Adress Camí del Monestir, 17489 El Port de la Selva (Alt Empordà)
- Phone:  972 38 75 59
- Opening time: From tuesday to sunday

  •  From october to May, from 10am to 5pm.
  •  From june to september, from 10am to 7:30pm.

- January 1st and 6th, December 25th and 26th closed.
- Free admission on tuesdays and on may 20.

If you liked Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery, maybe you would be interested in visiting other interesting monasteries in Catalunya, like: 

Finally, clicking on the next link you will find links to other beautiful places in Catalonia, among them, more nice places in La Costa Brava.

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