Archaeologists excavate Roman fort near Tebay

Archaeologists have broken new ground on a former Roman fort in Cumbria. Members of Lunesdale Archaeology Society and young archaeology clubs have been digging at Low Borrowbridge Farm, near the M6 in the Tebay gorge.

The archaeologists have been digging near Tebay [Credit: BBC]
They found walls, floors with the remains of an ancient central heating system, pottery, coins and a ballista bolt - a type of artillery round.

The week-long dig also raised new questions about a building that had been thought to be a bath house.

This followed a dig on the site in 1883 by the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society.

The site is a scheduled monument on private land and permission had to be sought from the Secretary of State before work commenced.

The dig was given financial support by Action with Communities in Cumbria.

Project Manager Annie Hamilton-Gibney said: "We are delighted with the interest and support we have had from the local community."

Site director Joseph Jackson said: "In the past the site has been designated as a potential bath house. We're still unsure of that but it is certainly a building of high status."

Source: BBC News Website [August 09, 2011]

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