Senior Portraits, Take TWO!

A little over a month ago, we had Chelsea's "official" Senior portraits done through the school.  They did a good job, from what I could tell (we don't get to see the proofs until August 1st), but I knew that it didn't matter because our family friend Roxanne, from RoPoPhoto,  was coming soon to make her "REAL" Senior portraits.

Roxanne is the fantabulous photographer who did our family pictures last year.  We had a phenomenal time and the pictures turned out AMAZING!

There was no doubt that we wanted Roxanne to do Chelsea's Senior portraits, and since she was here, we asked her to do some new family photos as well.

We decided to have the pictures made at my mother's house, since that's where Chelsea spends all of her time.  I thought it would mean a lot to have her pictures made in the place she loves the most.  It turned out to be a gorgeous day, but it was HOT, HOT, HOT!  I think we ALL agreed that when we do this again, it will be in November!

My incredible niece, Shelby, decided to join us, and took a ton of pictures of the whole process.  As good as her pictures are, I can only imagine how fantastic Roxanne's pictures will be!

First, I will show you the more "serious" photos:

I seriously need a "What NOT To Wear" intervention!

The tiny froggie that decided to join us.

Shelby and Chelsea.

Jameson thinking he is big stuff getting to ride with Shelby.

The one of the last photos of the day, and probably my favorite!

And now, for the not-so-serious pictures:

See, the heat had already gotten to Shelby!


Typical Jameson!

PLANKING during the pictures!

And last, but not least.....the photo where the heat had completely done me in:

You are welcome!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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