Mediterranean Medieval Places of Pilgrimage

Egeria: Mediterranean Medieval Places of Pilgrimage
Network for the documentation, preservation and enhancement of monuments in the euro-mediterranean area.
Egeria is the name of the Christian pilgrim who traveled across the Eastern Mediterranean in the 4th century AD in order to visit and worship at the Holy Land and other important pilgrimage destinations in the region. The journey of the pilgrim Egeria and the concept of pilgrimage in general were the inspiration for the project
Mediterranean Medieval Places of Pilgrimage
Network for the documentation, preservation and enhancement of monuments in the euro-mediterranean area
Project “Egeria” is a Community Initiative Programme Interreg IIIB – Archimed 2000-2006. It is a project of inter-state cooperation, which involves twelve public and private, religious and secular institutions from eight states: Greece, Italy and Cyprus, as well as a large number of non-European states, such as Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt. It is financed by ERDF funds and co-financed by national funds.
The project focuses on pilgrimage sites, the immovable and movable pilgrimage monuments that are interspersed in the Mediterranean landscape but also in time, from antiquity to the present. The main objective of the project is the establishment of a network of cooperation for the documentation, preservation, enhancement and promotion of pilgrimage monuments. This objective is accomplished through the various activities and products of the project. One of these products is the current website, which presents selected pilgrimage monuments and proposes cultural itineraries based on these monuments.

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